What is HAES exactly?
HAES stands for Health at Every Size.
This is an interesting approach as it is very different to the mainstream ideal of what weight and health should be. HAES believes in a holistic definition of health, meaning that your mind, body, and spirit are all in balance. The HAES approach means that as people, our health changes over time as individuals.
HAES rejects the scientific mainstream idea that excessive calorie intake, a sedentary lifestyle, the wrong type of nutrition and greater body weight is wrong. We also believe that dieting produces a negative effect on your health
Another interesting thing about our approach is that we believe people should not be judged, discriminated against or oppressed because of their health status. We believe that a person’s value should not be determined by their weight.
As HAES practitioners, we believe that when it comes to dieting, many people end up with an obsession with their weight, as well as with the way that they look. In one blog written on a HAES website, a young woman wrote about how all her dieting eventually ended up with her having an eating disorder. (https://healthateverysizeblog.org/) Rather than promoting dieting, we go against the idea that being a certain BMI is healthy. We want people to rather achieve health by having sustainable practices that support a person’s well being.
As HAES practitioners, we believe that people should embrace and accept their naturally inherited shape and size, rather than be ashamed of it. We reject the ideology of ideal or specific weight. The body you were born with is perfect for you! We want you to appreciate and love your body as it is.
The HAES approach believes in eating for well being. People should be able to eat what they want to and what you eat and how much you eat depends on hunger, pleasure and nutritional needs, rather than a restricted diet that focuses on controlling one’s weight.
Another principle of HAES is Respectful care. We work to put an end to weight discrimination, and bias that relates to an individuals weight. We also understand that our health is affected by a number of factors including race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status and age and that people should not be stigmatized due to their weight. Often times we are not in control of all of these factors. We are all different and we should be able to make up our own minds as to what being healthy is. Our principals are meant to empower individuals.
As HAES practitioners, we also support physical movement that is fun for people of every size. Movement should be enjoyable and to the extent that the Individual chooses.
HAES promotes health instead of size. We want people to be body positive and to love the bodies they were born with. HAES wants individuals to trust their own bodies when it comes to when and how much to eat. We all have internal systems that help us to be healthy.
Our approach is all about you and we support the whole individual. Mind.Body. Spirit. Rather than be a specific weight, aim for health and well being.
If you are looking for something different that goes against the mainstream ideas of what’s healthy and what’s not, the HAES approach could be for you!